Thompson Valley Stars

Published by Well Rounded Square

Square dance season has ‘finished’ and the Meyers are on the road again. Williams Lake’s Square Dancers, the ‘Whirlaways’ celebrated their 57th Jamboree on May 22nd to 24th.

The theme was ‘Jolly Old England’. The decorations which included scenes of Cricket players, Buckingham palace, the Black Prince Tavern, Sherwood Forest, and the Tower Bridge complete with a London taxi and a double decker bus, were all done by Mary Anne Turner. They were absolutely fabulous and certainly brightened up ‘The Long House’ hall where the event was held. Continue reading

Another successful New Year’s Eve potluck dinner and dance was celebrated at Merv & Sandy’s dance-designed home.

Merv was only one week post-op from his total shoulder replacement but that didn’t deter him from going ahead with their 6th annual event.

After a delicious dinner with a large assortment of desserts, round dancing was followed by square dancing until midnight.

Everyone happily brought in the New Year with noise makers and to the music of Auld Lang Syne. Continue reading

On a cool, crisp September 13th morning, Merv & Sandy headed down the Coquihalla Highway in their Mercedes camperized Sprinter van (advertisement on wheels), for another adventure. The Othello tunnels are near Hope, BC and are part of the former Kettle Valley Railway. On this occasion, 2 of the 4 tunnels were closed off due to structural damage of a bridge weakened by water erosion. Continue reading

One couldn’t have asked for a more perfect day for cruising down the river for the 12th Annual Banana Island Canoe Trip, on August 17th. There was a slight breeze when 3 canoes and 2 kayaks left the Pine Street boat launch in Chase at 9 a.m. Continue reading

Wow, what a fabulous 4-day event ‘Peachfest’ was. It was Penticton’s 11th Annual Square and Round Dance Festival and once again the weather was perfect.

Wednesday afternoon started at 2 p.m. with casual dancing. Merv Meyer of Kamloops was MC. New callers and cuers were encouraged to sign up at this event, to try out their talents. Continue reading