Thompson Valley Stars


Square dancers from Salmon Arm, Blind Bay and Vernon, including 20 dancers from Thompson Valley Stars club in Chase recently gathered to visit the Kamloops Square Dancers for the annual Harvest Hop at St. Paul’s Anglican Church. Upon arrival they learned that the event was in jeopardy.

The featured entertainer, guest caller Brent Mawdsley of Delta, was nowhere to be found. His car had slid off the road 20 km’s out of Kamloops, poised in a ditch at a 45-degree angle, leaving anxious and unaware dancers wondering where he was.

Mawdsley later explained, “my cell phone flew across to the other side of the car and I was afraid to move–in case the car flipped over.” He continued, “there were 6 other vehicles waiting for a tow truck and I was told it would be a 2-hour wait.”

Local caller Merv Meyer saved the day, rushing home to get his sound equipment. (Earlier, guest cuer Pat Meyer of Aldergrove had to sit in the middle of the dance floor to cue round dancing—choreographed ballroom–with no mike or amplifier for the voice or music). Determined that “the show goes on,” Meyer took over the calling until Mawdsley appeared, a little shaken but luckily unhurt.

‘Plus’ dancing took place in the afternoon with over 40 dancers (5 squares) having a great time. More than 30 dancers went to a downtown restaurant for dinner, where everyone had a chance to relax and visit. An extra 3 squares of dancers joined the evening ‘Mainstream’ dance for more music and fun. The event finished off with fresh homemade pies and ice-cream, something the dancers always look forward to at ‘party’ nights.


For more information, including new dancer sessions starting in the Fall, call 250-376-5636, or email:

The benefits of the recreation can be explored at:


Also, see the online video:


star Photo Albums


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